Transform data from one observable using another observable in angular rxjs


I have two observables: cities and addresses. In my addresses array I have an object with a property city_code which has a value and a property city which is empty. In cities I have objects with both properties.

How can I transform the data in addresses? I want to get the value for city from the cities array by matching the city_code and put that value into the corresponding object in addresses.

addresses$ =;
cities$ = this.citiesFacade.allCities$;

function getAddressesWithCityName() {
   // some code here

Address and City:

export interface Address {
   city_code: string;
   city: string; // in addresses$ this property is empty and I should get it from cities$

export interface City{
   city_code: string;
   city: string;

You can use combineLatest() to create an observable stream that is always up to date based on multiple source streams.

Then, you can simply define addresses$ as follows, without the need for the getAddressesWithCityName() method:

addresses$ = combineLatest([, this.cities$]).pipe(
    map(([addresses, cities]) => => {
        const city = cities.find(c => c.city_code === a.city_code)?.city;
        return { ...a, city };

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