Using one observable to synchronize another observable


I want to synchronize an observable using another one used as clock, below is reported an example.

Main:     ---------abc----------------------------------
Clock:    -x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x-----x--
Expected: -------------a-----b-----c--------------------

I tried to achieve this synchronization using the Zip method, similar to an example described in RX documentation (

mainValues.Zip(clockValues, (mainValue,clockValue) => mainValue)

the problem is that when I tested this implementation, it didn't work. Below there is the test I wrote to check the expected behaviour:

scheduler = new TestScheduler();

var mainValues = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(100, Notification.CreateOnNext('a')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(101, Notification.CreateOnNext('b')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(102, Notification.CreateOnNext('c')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(103, Notification.CreateOnNext('d')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(104, Notification.CreateOnNext('e')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(105, Notification.CreateOnNext('f')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(106, Notification.CreateOnNext('g')),
    new Recorded<Notification<char>>(107, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<char>()));

var clockValues = scheduler.CreateHotObservable(
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(70, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(90, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(110, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(130, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(150, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(170, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(190, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(210, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(230, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(250, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(270, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(290, Notification.CreateOnNext(0L)),
    new Recorded<Notification<long>>(310, Notification.CreateOnCompleted<long>()));

var res = scheduler.Start(() => mainValues.Zip(clockValues, (mainValue, clockValue) => mainValue), 0, 70, long.MaxValue);

And here below the expected values and what I really got (described as comment):

    OnNext(110, 'a'), // Expected: 110, a - Actual: 100, a
    OnNext(130, 'b'), // Expected: 130, b - Actual: 110, b
    OnNext(150, 'c'), // Expected: 150, c - Actual: 130, c
    OnNext(170, 'd'), // Expected: 170, d - Actual: 150, d
    OnNext(190, 'e'), // Expected: 190, e - Actual: 170, e
    OnNext(210, 'f'), // Expected: 210, f - Actual: 190, f
    OnNext(230, 'g'));// Expected: 230, g - Actual: 210, g

What is the problem? Is it correct use Zip to synchronize two observable? Do I use the TestScheduler incorrectly?


Give this a go:

var query =
        .Create<char?>(o =>
            IDisposable inner = null;
            IDisposable subscription = 
                    .Publish(mvs =>
                        var q = new System.Collections.Generic.Queue<char>();
                        inner = mvs.Subscribe(mv => q.Enqueue(mv));
                        return clockValues.Select(x => q.Count > 0 ? q.Dequeue() : (char?)null);
            return new CompositeDisposable(inner, subscription);

query.Subscribe(x => Console.WriteLine(x));

Let me know if that works the way you want it to. If it does I'll pop in some explanation.

Collected from the Internet

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