Why cant I mount the same PVC twice with different subpaths to single pod?

Sourabh Ninawe

Why cant I have a setup like below. I want to map vol1 to a pod with different subpath has xyz and vol2 to the same pod with subpath abc.

  - name:vol1
      claimName: testclaim
  - name: vol2
      claimName: testclaim

containers volume mounts:

    - name: vol1
      mountPath: /test/
      subPath: abc
    - name: vol2
      mountPath: /test2/
      subPath: xyz

What is the alternative for this kind of setup?

Vasili Angapov

Try this

    - name: vol1
      mountPath: /test
      subPath: abc
    - name: vol1
      mountPath: /test2
      subPath: xyz
- name: vol1
    claimName: testclaim

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