Why do different partitions on the same disk not have the same mount point?

An SO User
% cat /etc/fstab
/dev/sda1       /               ext2        defaults        1   1
/dev/sda2       /usr/local      ext2        defaults        1   1
/dev/sda4       /home           ext2        defaults        1   1
/dev/sdb1       swap            swap        defaults        0   0
/dev/sdb3       /export         ext2        defaults        1   1
none            /dev/pts        devpts      gid=5,mode=620  0   0
none            /proc           proc        defaults        0   0
/dev/fd0        /mnt            ext2        defaults        0   0
/dev/cdrom      /mnt/cdrom      iso9660     ro              0   0  

This is a random example that I got from a website while trying to understand mounting of devices. Being someone from a Windows background, I have a hard time trying to understand the concept of mount points.

Here is my understanding, please correct me where wrong:

  1. All detected devices go in the /dev folder.
  2. /sda1 is the first partition of the SCSI drive and is mounted on the root because legend has it that one drive has to be mounted on the root.
  3. swap needs no mount point.

What I don’t understand is why the other sda partitions have different mount points. Shouldn't they all go to /mnt ?

Kannan Mohan

To understand how unix filesystem is organized, you need to understand Filesystem hierarchy standard.

Generally to install a linux machine you need to have atleast 2 partitions / and swap. In case if you dont have process that dose lot of swapping the you can also omit swap.

The / is said to be the root of the filesystem and swap is used for memory swapping. Other directories such as /boot, /home, /usr, /var, /tmp, etc can be placed either in different partitions or along with partition where / is placed.

One has to decide this layout based on his specific requirements. For example, A database server needs to have a huge /var in a separate partition, /tmp needs to be kept separately if the server/service writes too many temporary data, to avoid filling up / partition. The choice of having different directories in different partition is based on the scenario and what kind of filesystem will suite their need.

/dev is a mounted with a virtual filesystem called sysfs. The /dev directory contains all devices that are detected by the kernel. The files in /dev are created and removed based on hardware removal/insertion and this is controlled by udev daemon.

/mnt is the space where temporary mounted filesystems are placed.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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