Filter pandas multi index data frame based on index column values


I have the below Muti index data frame,

|  shape  |  colour  |        data        |
|                    |  d1  |  d2  |  d3  |
| circle  |  green   |  2   |  4   |  9   |
| circle  |  red     |  -9  |  3   |  1   |
| square  |  orange  |  5   |  -6  |  2   |
| square  |  yellow  |  9   |  8   |  2   |

created with the following,

header = [ "shape", "colour", "label", "data" ]  
data = [      
[ "circle",  "green",  "d1", 2  ],
[ "circle",  "green",  "d2", 4  ],
[ "circle",  "green",  "d3", 9  ],
[ "square",  "orange", "d1", 5  ],
[ "square",  "orange", "d2", -6 ],
[ "square",  "orange", "d3", 2  ],
[ "circle",  "red",    "d1", -9 ],
[ "circle",  "red",    "d2", 3  ],
[ "circle",  "red",    "d3", 1  ],
[ "square",  "yellow", "d1", 9  ],
[ "square",  "yellow", "d2", 8  ],
[ "square",  "yellow", "d3", 2  ],

raw = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=header)
df = raw.pivot(index=["shape", "colour"], columns=["label"], values=["data"])

and I want to filter the data values based on the colour. It is easy with a set value, I can do, df[(abs(df["data"]) > 2)] but I do not know/cannot find how to do it when the threshold depends on the colour. With the following filter,

filter = {
    "red": {"threshold": 5},
    "green": {"threshold": 5},
    "yellow": {"threshold": 7},
    "orange": {"threshold": 1},

The desired output would be,

|  shape  |  colour  |        data        |
|                    |  d1  |  d2  |  d3  |
| circle  |  green   | Nan  | Nan  |  9   |
| circle  |  red     |  -9  | Nan  | Nan  |
| square  |  orange  |  5   |  -6  |  2   |
| square  |  yellow  |  9   |  8   | Nan  |

I tried,

df.apply(lambda r: r["data"] if abs(r["data"]) > filter[r.index.get_level_values(1)].get("threshold", 2) else 0)


df[(abs(df["data"]) > filter[df.index.get_level_values(1)].get("threshold", 0))]

to no avail.


From the filter dictionary create DataFrame with colours as index. Then reindex the latter with the df index's 'colour' level. Compare df to the obtained values (an individual threshold for each row depending on colour):

threshold = pd.DataFrame.from_dict(filter, orient='index') 
mask = df.abs() > threshold.reindex(df.index.get_level_values('colour')).values


label           d1   d2   d3
shape  colour               
circle green   NaN  NaN  9.0
       red    -9.0  NaN  NaN
square orange  5.0 -6.0  2.0
       yellow  9.0  8.0  NaN

Collected from the Internet

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