Select column and row values with an index in data frame


I have a matrix of correlations, and I am trying to keep the maximum value (considering absolute values) of each pair (row/column). I wanted to ask, how to extract the values if I have the index of the position with the specific max. value. This is my sample:

mat <- structure(c(0, 0.428291512801413, 0.124436112431533,    -0.345870125921382, 
             0.391613957773281, 0.428291512801413, 0, 0.341415068127906, -0.346724601510298, 
             0.486360835614514, 0.124436112431533, 0.341415068127906, 0, -0.496213980990412, 
             0.41819049956841, -0.345870125921382, -0.346724601510298, -0.496213980990412, 
             0, -0.80231408836218, 0.391613957773281, 0.486360835614514, 0.41819049956841, 
            -0.80231408836218, 0), .Dim = c(5L, 5L), .Dimnames = list(c("LO3","Tx", "Gh", "RH", "SR"), c("LO3", "Tx", "Gh", "RH", "SR"))) 

Then, I am taking the index of maximum value:

ind <- apply(abs(mat), 2, which.max) 

which gives me:

LO3  Tx  Gh  RH  SR 
2   5   4   5   4

What I wanted now, it's getting the value of these position for each column .. which would be:

LO3       Tx        Gh
0.4282915 0.4863608  -0.4962140 .....

I tried to use apply, but I don't know how to do it..or if there would be another way to do that.


Since you have your indices in ind one way could be to use mapply:

#the first argument is the function call 
#second argument is your matrix coerced to data.frame
#third argument is your indices
#each time an index will be used in conjunction to a column
#and you get your result
mapply(function(x,y) x[y],, ind)
#       LO3         Tx         Gh         RH         SR 
# 0.4282915  0.4863608 -0.4962140 -0.8023141 -0.8023141 

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