Is there an efficient way to get an array of objects from another array of objects

Sky Lurk

I am building an app and I have an array of objects. The objects have a key where the value is an array of objects with key value pairs. I would like to convert this array into an array of just objects

My first array looks like this:

const firstArray = [
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    items: [
        productOne: "crust",
        quantity: 2.2,
        productTwo: "dust",
        quantity: 34,
    user_id: "wewewefwOHG22323kj",
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    items: [
        productTwo: "dust",
        quantity: 32,
        productThree: "must",
        quantity: 34,
    user_id: "m2LgLRD9MEVNAX56JTpRYDkOOjd2",

I would like it to look like this array:

const secondArray = [
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    crust: 2.2,
    dust: 34,
    user_id: "wewewefwOHG22323kj",
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    dust: 32,
    must: 34,
    user_id: "m2LgLRD9MEVNAX56JTpRYDkOOjd2",

If anyone knows how to do this, please help.


Moritz Ringler

Looks like you just have to turn the items into key value pairs and add them to the object:

const flatten = arr =>{items, ...obj}) => items.reduce((agg, {quantity,}) => (agg[Object.values(rest)[0]] = quantity, agg), obj))

const firstArray = [
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    items: [
      {productOne: "crust", quantity: 2.2,},
      {productTwo: "dust", quantity: 34,},
    user_id: "wewewefwOHG22323kj",
    amount: 343,
    code: "RCU8YI0NKS",
    items: [
      {productTwo: "dust", quantity: 32,},
      {productThree: "must", quantity: 34,},
    user_id: "m2LgLRD9MEVNAX56JTpRYDkOOjd2",


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