Efficient way to swap property values in array of objects


Assume we have the following array of Objects (the real has 71000 elements, but 4 objects are enough to give you an idea):

        source: "France"
        target: "Morocco"
        timeN: "2008"
        valueN: "252.35"
        source: "France"
        target: "Morocco"
        timeN: "2009"
        valueN: "424.12"
        source: "France"
        target: "Morocco"
        timeN: "2010"
        valueN: "152.24"
        source: "France"
        target: "Morocco"
        timeN: "2011"
        valueN: "-342.19"

How can I efficiently swap source and target values on the last object, if valueN is negative? I would like to just multiply valueN with -1 or call Math.abs() and then change also source to "Morocco" and target to "France".


Although all answers are great and I have taken the clean one by @Nina Scholz. However, the one from @Emil S. Jørgensen is the most performant one, once tracking the execution time. I don't know why but it seems to be most performant if you do not convert it back to a string, the valueN.

Nina Scholz

Iterate. Check. Swap. Update.

var array = [{ source: "France", target: "Morocco", timeN: "2008", valueN: "252.35" }, { source: "France", target: "Morocco", timeN: "2009", valueN: "424.12" }, { source: "France", target: "Morocco", timeN: "2010", valueN: "152.24" }, { source: "France", target: "Morocco", timeN: "2011", valueN: "-342.19" }];

array.forEach(o => {
    if (o.valueN < 0) {
        [o.source, o.target] = [o.target, o.source];
        o.valueN *= -1;

.as-console-wrapper { max-height: 100% !important; top: 0; }

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