Using Partial<Type> on a Vue3 reactive() object is acting strangely


I'm facing a weird behavior when using a TypeScript Partial type with a Vue3 reactive object.

I have a simple type representing a User, and need to create a user that may not have some properties at first, so I used a Partial utility type :

type User = {
  id: number
  name: string

const user_1: Partial<User> = {
  name: 'John'

// ✅ Everything's fine here

Obviously when I try to put something else in that user, it throws an error :

const user_1: Partial<User> = {
  name: 'John',
  alive: true
  // ❌ Type '{ … }' is not assignable to type 'Partial<User>' […] 'alive' does not exist in type 'Partial<User>'

This is what I expect from plain TypeScript so no problem here.

But the strange behavior occurs when I try to declare a Vue3 reactive object with that partial :

import { reactive } from 'vue'

const user_2: Partial<User> = reactive({
  id: 42,
  name: 'Gerald',
  alive: true

Here everything seems to be clear for TypeScript which doesn't yield anything.

What's strange is when I use that user_2.alive in the template, the error shows up as expected :

  <h1>{{ user_2.alive }}</h1>
  <!-- ❌ Property 'alive' does not exist on type 'Partial<User>' -->

So, why can't I see the error at the declaration of the reactive object ? Did I omit something important or could that be a bug in the implementation of TS with reactive()?

Note: I also tried using the default setup() declaration, in cas of it would be a bug with the annotation, but the problem still remains

I could also reproduce the bug on the Vue3 Playground interface here :


You can pass a type parameter to reactive to say that the argument it takes must be of that type:

const user_2 = reactive<Partial<User>>({
  id: 42,
  name: 'Gerald',
  alive: true, // ERROR

Otherwise, it will be inferred automatically. Since excess properties are allowed in assignment (here, assigning returned value from function call to user_2), the assignment is allowed.


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