access both params and query with zod


the documentation for zod-middleware gives this example:

export async function endpointCode(req: TypedRequestBody<typeof bodySchema>, res: Response) {
  const typedBody = req.body;
  return res.json(typedBody);

it give nice access to body through req.body HOWEVER i need to have access to both QUERY and PARAMS (not body, it was just in the doc so i pasted it for reference). currently my router looks like this

exampleRouter.get("/:id/examples", processRequest({ params: FindExamplesParams, query: FindExamplesQuery }), findExamples);

How should the declaration of findExamples function look like if i want to access both query and and params?

for just query or just params its easy:

export async function findSomething(req: TypedRequestQuery<typeof SomeQuery>, res: ...)

but what do i do for both?


zod-express-middleware also includes TypedRequest where you can pass the params, query, and body (in that order):

export async function findSomething(req: TypedRequest<typeof SomeParams, typeof SomeQuery>, res: ...) {

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