How to access both the params and query string from a next.js Link in getServerSideProps?

Matt Heslington

I have a component that links to a NextJS page in which I'm using getServerSideProps and need to access the params and the query string.

I really would like to have a 'clean' url such as '' without the '?userId=h337dhdh37dhdhd' on the end. Is it possible like this?

<Link href={`/${user?.username}/likes?userId=${id}`} as={`/${user?.username}/likes`}>

In my getServerSideProps I'm using context as per the Next documentation:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    const username = context.params.username;
    const userId = context.query.userId;

The params (username) are fine, but whatever I do the userId is always undefined. Can anyone see what I'm doing wrong, please?

EDIT: codesandbox link: - based on Restricted Beam's answer below

Any help very much appreciated, Matt


If your goal is to have a clean URL without the '?query=something' , you should try the slug and dynamic routes feature of nextjs. For using this feature:

  • You need to change the file name to [...slug].js and all the different parameters in the link can be caught in an array.

So for "domain/usersname/likes/userId", your [...slug].js file will be in the root directory and to access its value you will use context like the following:

export async function getServerSideProps(context) {
    const username = context.params.slug[0];
    const userId = context.params.slug[2];

So, if your user visits the link: domain/user-XYZ/likes/12345abc, the slug array would be like:



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