Python How To Assign 2 Variables in One Part(?)


Im sorry ı couldn't write decent title. But let me explain.

a list that holds ten variable
list[0] = tshirt
but if user search t-shirt in that list, program should accept it as tshirt.
What Im asking is, can I say

list[0] = "tshirt" or "t-shirt"

if not, must I do that manually or is there any way to do this?


Edit: Can any mod fix my title so people can understand the problem and find answer below

Aditya Singh

I remember , I faced this issue too in one of my projects.There is a python library called fuzzywuzzy which tells if two words are similar or not based on the similarity score.Here's an example stuff.

from fuzzywuzzy import fuzz
temp = "t-shirt"
if fuzz.token_sort_ratio("tshirt", temp) > 70:
if fuzz.token_sort_ratio("TSHIRT", temp) > 70:
if fuzz.token_sort_ratio("T--SHIRT", temp) > 70:

It Outputs FOUND for all three statements.

This library provides us a solution to a problem which most of us might have faced.

Collected from the Internet

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