How to correctly assign local variables to a for-loop in python?


I am having a for-loop which takes rows within a pandas dataframe df_drinks and uses them as parameters to call another function order(). order() is imported from the module

Together with the row in df_drinks, I want to submit a comment to the order(), which is specified outside the for-loop.

from restaurant import order

statement = "Lets order"
df_drinks = ["1 drink", "2 drink"] # simplified, 1 item per row, many columns

for index, row in df_drinks.iterrows():
    print ("%s, %s" % (statement, row))
    item = row
    response = order(statement, item)

The module looks like this:


def order(statement, item):
    statement = "order received"
    ready_drinks = prepare(item)
    return ready_drinks

For the first run/row everything is fine since a print yields:

Lets order 1 drink

However, for the second run/row, print yields:

order received 2 drinks instead of Lets order 2 drinks.

I understand that I have the same variable name statement for two different things. Still, I am confused since order() in does only return ready_drinks and not statement.

How to correctly assign local variables to a for-loop in python?


statement = "order received" is a local variable and statement = "Lets order" is a Global variable. You are no where overriding the value in the for loop. May be below code helps you

df_drinks = ["1 drink", "2 drink"] # simplified, 1 item per row, many columns

for row in df_drinks:
    statement = "Lets order"
    print ("%s, %s" % (statement, row))
    item = row
    ready_drinks,statement = order(statement, item)
    print ("%s, %s" % (statement, row))

def order(statement, item):
    statement = "order received"
    ready_drinks = prepare(item)
    return ready_drinks,statement

Collected from the Internet

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