How is this messageComponentCollector not working? (discord.js v13)


I'm trying to make a message component collector on this message and to only read Select Menu components.

However, the collector seems to exist but it doesn't collect. As when I change something in the Select Menu, the menu says "This interaction failed."

Here's the code:

if (wikiEmbeds.length > 1) {
    let selectMenuOptions = []
    for (let i = 0; i < wikiEmbeds.length; i++) {
        const selectedContent = wikiEmbeds[i];
        if (i == 0) {
                    label: selectedContent.tableName,
                    value: `${i}`,
                    default: true
        } else {
                    label: selectedContent.tableName,
                    value: `${i}`
    let messageRow = new Discord.MessageActionRow()
        new Discord.MessageSelectMenu({
    const initialMessage = await interaction.reply({ embeds: [wikiEmbeds[0].embed], components: [messageRow], fetchReply: true })

    const filter = (i) => {  } 
    const collector ={
        componentType: 'SELECT_MENU',
        time: 30000
    collector.on("collect", (selectInteraction) => {
        selectInteraction.reply(" . ")

wikiEmbeds is an array of tables, all of them like this { tableName: string, embed: embed }[]


I am pretty sure it's your filter. Your filter must return true to collect the SelectMenu. Try const filter = (i) => true;

Collected from the Internet

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