Trying to run my python script in terminal


I'm new to Python and trying to automate a process on my computer, but I'm having trouble. I've already written my Python script with what I want to print, but I'd like to have my own code to press enter after that. I tried "," but my code does not run on the terminal.

Here is the code:

from pynput.keyboard import Key, Controller

keyboard = Controller()

print(''"export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='123'"'')
print(''"export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='123'"'')
#suppose to press return

print('savify "" -q best -f mp3 -o "/Users/" -g "%artist%/%album%"')
#suppose to press return

I expected it to run my program but it just goes to the other line.

Gautam Chettiar

I understood your problem, don't print those commands, instead go to the CLI tab and type them.

import pyautogui as gui
import time

time.sleep(5) # Time you should take to switch to the command line tab on foreground

gui.write("export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_ID='123'")
gui.write("export SPOTIPY_CLIENT_SECRET='123'")'enter')
#suppose to press return

gui.write('savify "" -q best -f mp3 -o "/Users/" -g "%artist%/%album%"')'enter')
#suppose to press return

Collected from the Internet

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