Can we use client credentials flow on regular Azure users?


We would like to use Azure client credentials flow to do authentication for our service accounts. The thing is our service accounts are just regular users in Azure AD. They are not registered apps. The way our company sets up Azure makes it very heavy to register apps, so we would like to avoid it. So the question is, can we use client credentials flow for regular users in Azure? We need this as in our CI/CD we cannot popup a browser and let users do device-based authentication. We need the user to be able to authenticate in an automated way.

Simpal Kumar

You can't use client credentials flow where an Azure AD user is involved in the authentication flow.

Micrsofot Documentation - client credentials flow

This type of grant is commonly used for server-to-server interactions that must run in the background, without immediate interaction with a user.

But you can use one of the following supported authentication flow where a user is involved;

  1. Micrsofot Documentation - authorization code flow
  2. Micrsofot Documentation - implicit grant flow
  3. Micrsofot Documentation - device authorization grant flow

Device authorization grant flow might work in your case?

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