Aggregate objects inside array in js


I have an array like the following:

 {"sku": 123, "val": 10},
 {"sku": 124, "val":12},
 {"sku": 123, "val": 20}


Is there a quick way in javascript to sum val of objects with the same sku property, so the result would be:

 {"sku": 123, "val": 30},
 {"sku": 124, "val":12}
Mr. Polywhirl

You should group the entries by their SKU and then map the entries to an SKU and the reduced (sum of) values.

const data = [ 
 { "sku": 123, "val": 10 },
 { "sku": 124, "val": 12 },
 { "sku": 123, "val": 20 }

const groupBy = (arr, key) => arr.reduce((acc, entry) => ({
  ...acc, [entry[key]]: [ ...(acc[entry[key]] || []), entry ]
}), {}); 

const sum = Object.entries(groupBy(data, 'sku'))
  .map(([key, values]) =>
      'sku': key,
      'val': values.reduce((acc, { val }) => acc + val, 0)

.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

Here is a more dynamic version that allows for multiple reducers with various aggregation techniques.

const groupBy = (arr, key) => arr.reduce((acc, entry) => ({
  ...acc, [entry[key]]: [ ...(acc[entry[key]] || []), entry ]
}), {}); 

const aggregate = (arr, key, reducers) =>
  Object.entries(groupBy(arr, key))
    .map(([k1, values]) => Object.entries(reducers)
      .reduce((obj, [k2, { fn, initial }]) => ({
        [k2]: values.reduce((acc, item, index, all) =>
          fn(acc, item[k2], index, all), initial || 0)
      }), { [key]: k1 }))

const data = [ 
 { "sku": 123, "val": 10, "val2": 2 },
 { "sku": 124, "val": 12, "val2": 5  },
 { "sku": 123, "val": 20, "val2": 8  }

const aggregated = aggregate(data, 'sku', {
  'val'  : { fn: (acc, val) => acc + val, initial: 0 },
  'val2' : { fn: (acc, val) => acc * val, initial: 1 }

.as-console-wrapper { top: 0; max-height: 100% !important; }

Collected from the Internet

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