Why function returns filtered boolean array


I learn js and trying to write filter method without using it. So I need to my function return filtered array based on function, which passed as a parameter. And it does but it's returned boolean array and I don't understand why.

My code:

 function myFilter(arr, func) {
      const result = [];
        for (let el of arr) {
        return result;

Calling with some numbers:

myFilter([2, 5, 1, 3, 8, 6], function(el) { return el > 3 })

It should've returned [5, 8, 6] but instead I got [false, true, false, true, true]. I don't get why can someone please explain it to me?

Jeffrey Ram

It's returning a boolean array because you're pushing booleans into the result array. func(el) or function(el) { return el > 3 } returns a boolean.

What you want is to push elements/numbers into the result array based on the condition of func(el)


function myFilter(arr, func) {
    const result = [];
    for (let el of arr) {
        if (func(el)) {
    return result;

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