How to convert an array with one object and multiple keys into an array of multiple objects using those keys and their values?


I have an array like so with a single object inside:

FirstArray = [{
    "category": "None",
    "ARFE": 553.5,
    "BV": 900,
    "RF rfeer": 0,

I want to convert it so that every key-value pair (where the value is a number) in the object is in its own object like the following:

NewArray = [{
  name: "ARFE",
  value: 553.05
}, {
  name: "BV",
  value: 900
}, {
  name: "RF rfeer",
  value: 0
}, .....]

Here, each key was assigned a new key called name, and the value for the original key was assigned a new key called value. Those pairs are then put into their own object inside the array.

Note that "category": "None" is not its own object in the array since "None" is non-numerical.

It's also important to note that there could be many key-value pairs, so it's not just limited to the items above (e.g., "ARFE": 553.5, etc.)

What I have so far:

I know you can separate a single object into multiple objects:

NewArray = Object.entries(FirstArray).reduce((prev, [og, nw]) => {
    let [name, value] = og.match(/\D+|\d+$/g)
    prev[value] = { ...(prev[value] || {}), [name]: nw }
    return prev;
 }, {})

I also know how that you can create a new object with new keys like so:

NewArray = Object.assign(
    ...Object.entries(FirstArray).map(([key, value]) => ({ [key]: name }))

However, I'm having trouble putting everything together. How would I be able to achieve NewArray from FirstArray?


You were pretty close. All you needed to do is specify the name:

const data = {
    "category": "None",
    "ARFE": 553.5,
    "BV": 900,
    "RF rfeer": 0

const result = Object
    .filter(([_, value]) => typeof value === 'number')
    .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: key, value }));


Also, if you don't want { "name": "category", "value": "None" } to be included in the result, you can just filter it:

const result = Object
    .filter(([ key ]) => key !== 'category')
    .map(([key, value]) => ({ name: key, value }));

Collected from the Internet

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