I am new to r. I am trying to make my code less complicated by using a for loop

Sam Laski

Here is my current code... can I make this a for loop?

#sample1, sample2, …, sample6 where samplei is sampling 10^(ith)
sample1 <- abs(rnorm(10)) #use abs because bellcurve is + and -
sample2 <- abs(rnorm(10^2))
sample3 <- abs(rnorm(10^3))
  sample <- abs(rnorm(10^4))
  sample5 <- abs(rnorm(10^5))
  sample6 <- abs(rnorm(10^6))

If you also want to assign it to 6 different variables you will need to do:

n = 6
invisible(sapply(1:n, function(i) assign(x = paste("sample", i, sep = ""), 
                                         value = abs(rnorm(10^i)),
                                         envir = .GlobalEnv)))

Or with a for loop:

for(i in 1:n)
  assign(x = paste("sample", i, sep = ""), value = abs(rnorm(10^i)), envir = .GlobalEnv)

But it makes much more sense to store it as a list, like in:

samples = lapply(1:6, function(i) abs(rnorm(10^i)))

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