I am trying to export an excel and make it password protected. My code is given below.But i am getting error


I am trying to export an excel and make it password protected.

My code is given below.

But i am getting error:

Excel completed file level validation and repair.

Some parts of this workbook may have been repaired or discarded.


In-case i do it without the save As line for package then this error doesn't appear.

In my controller:

    public FileStreamResult ExportToExcel()
        _objService = new ServiceBAL();
        List<ReconcilationEntity> Objmodel = new List<ReconcilationEntity>();
        Objmodel = _objService.GetCreditsudharLeads();
        String URL = string.Empty;
        if (!Directory.Exists(Server.MapPath("~/TempExcel")))
        String Filepath = Server.MapPath("~/TempExcel");
        string date = DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString().Replace("/", "_") + "_" + DateTime.Now.ToShortTimeString().Replace(" ", "_").Replace(":", "_").Trim();
        String FileName = "Creditsudhar_" + date + ".xlsx";
        Filepath = Filepath + "\\" + FileName;
        string[] columns = { "AffName", "AffPhone", "AffEmail", "ProductName", "ContactName", "Status", "CreatedOn", "Commission", "IsCommissionPaid", "Accountname", "AccountNumber", "BankName", "BankBranch", "IFSCCode", "PanNumber" };
        var file = ExcelExportHelper.ExportExcel(ExcelExportHelper.ListToDataTable(Objmodel), Filepath, "Creditsudhar Reconcillation Sheet " + DateTime.Now.ToShortDateString(), true, columns);
        var memStream = new MemoryStream(file);
        return this.File(memStream, "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet", FileName);

    public static string ExcelContentType
       { return "application/vnd.openxmlformats-officedocument.spreadsheetml.sheet"; }

    public static DataTable ListToDataTable<T>(List<T> data)
        PropertyDescriptorCollection properties = TypeDescriptor.GetProperties(typeof(T));
        DataTable dataTable = new DataTable();

        for (int i = 0; i < properties.Count; i++)
            PropertyDescriptor property = properties[i];
            dataTable.Columns.Add(property.Name, Nullable.GetUnderlyingType(property.PropertyType) ?? property.PropertyType);

        object[] values = new object[properties.Count];
        foreach (T item in data)
            for (int i = 0; i < values.Length; i++)
                values[i] = properties[i].GetValue(item);

        return dataTable;

    public static byte[] ExportExcel(DataTable dataTable, String Filepath, string heading = "", bool showSrNo = false, params string[] columnsToTake)
        string fullPath = string.Empty;
        byte[] ret;

        String result = String.Empty;
        using (ExcelPackage package = new ExcelPackage())
            ExcelWorksheet workSheet = package.Workbook.Worksheets.Add(String.Format("{0} Data", heading));
            int startRowFrom = String.IsNullOrEmpty(heading) ? 1 : 3;
            if (showSrNo)
                DataColumn dataColumn = dataTable.Columns.Add("#", typeof(int));
                int index = 1;
                foreach (DataRow item in dataTable.Rows)
                    item[0] = index;
            // add the content into the Excel file  
            workSheet.Cells["A" + startRowFrom].LoadFromDataTable(dataTable, true);

            // autofit width of cells with small content  
            int columnIndex = 1;
            foreach (DataColumn column in dataTable.Columns)
                    ExcelRange columnCells = workSheet.Cells[workSheet.Dimension.Start.Row, columnIndex, workSheet.Dimension.End.Row, columnIndex];
                    int maxLength = columnCells.Max(cell => cell.Value.ToString().Count());
                    if (maxLength < 150)
                catch (Exception ex)
                    if (!(ex is System.Threading.ThreadAbortException))
                        //Log other errors here


            // format header - bold, yellow on black  
            using (ExcelRange r = workSheet.Cells[startRowFrom, 1, startRowFrom, dataTable.Columns.Count])
                r.Style.Font.Bold = true;
                r.Style.Fill.PatternType = OfficeOpenXml.Style.ExcelFillStyle.Solid;

            // format cells - add borders  
            using (ExcelRange r = workSheet.Cells[startRowFrom + 1, 1, startRowFrom + dataTable.Rows.Count, dataTable.Columns.Count])
                r.Style.Border.Top.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                r.Style.Border.Bottom.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                r.Style.Border.Left.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;
                r.Style.Border.Right.Style = ExcelBorderStyle.Thin;

            // removed ignored columns  
            for (int i = dataTable.Columns.Count - 1; i >= 0; i--)
                if (i == 0 && showSrNo)
                if (!columnsToTake.Contains(dataTable.Columns[i].ColumnName))
                    workSheet.DeleteColumn(i + 1);

            if (!String.IsNullOrEmpty(heading))
                workSheet.Cells["A1"].Value = heading;
                workSheet.Cells["A1"].Style.Font.Size = 20;
                workSheet.InsertColumn(1, 1);
                workSheet.InsertRow(1, 1);
                workSheet.Column(1).Width = 5;
            System.IO.FileInfo fileinfo2 = new System.IO.FileInfo(Filepath);
            workSheet.Protection.IsProtected = true;
            workSheet.Protection.AllowSelectUnlockedCells = false;
            workSheet.Protection.AllowSelectLockedCells = false;
            package.SaveAs(fileinfo2, "myPassword");
            ret = package.GetAsByteArray();

            return ret;

    public static void DeleteUploadedFile(String filePath)
            if (System.IO.File.Exists(filePath))
        catch (Exception ex)
        { }

    public static byte[] ExportExcel<T>(List<T> data, String Filepath, string Heading = "", bool showSlno = false, params string[] ColumnsToTake)
        return ExportExcel(ListToDataTable<T>(data), Filepath, Heading, showSlno, ColumnsToTake);

An answer mentioned SaveAs close the package, so the correct steps will be returning the saved file as array instead of using GetAsByteArray afterwards. Or simply use GetAsByteArray(passwords) without SaveAs.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

edited at


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