How to make changes in the react webpage in github pages?


I had deployed me react webpage successfully in the main branch. There are my main source files, take a look Main branch. And after deployment, branch gh-pages has all necessary files containing like a static folder and all... take a look here gh-pages branch.

But whenever I change in the main branch, it does not reflect the webpage. Is there any way to push all my changes??

I am unable to push changes to the gh-pages branch as I am afraid because it is having totally different files.

How can I do these changes??

I had followed these git commands, but it didn't work

$ git add .
$ git status // to see what changes are going to be commited
$ git commit -m 'Some descriptive commit message'
$ git push origin master

$ git checkout gh-pages // go to the gh-pages branch
$ git rebase master // bring gh-pages up to date with master
$ git push origin gh-pages // commit the changes
$ git checkout master // return to the master branch

Referred from here

Thanks in advance...

Joseph Gordy

Make sure you have these scripts in your package.json file, then you can just run npm run deploy

"scripts": {
"predeploy": "npm run build",
"deploy": "gh-pages -d build"

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