How do I generate discrete random events with a Poisson distribution?

blank :

I'm aware of Knuth's algorithm for generating random Poisson distributed numbers (below in Java) but how do I translate that into calling a method, generateEvent(), randomly over time?

int poissonRandomNumber(int lambda) {
    double L = Math.exp(-lambda);
    int k = 0;
    double p = 1;
    do {
        k = k + 1;
        double u = Math.random();
        p = p * u;
    } while (p > L);
    return k - 1;
Jay Elston :

If you are looking to simulate the inter-event arrival time, you want the exponential distribution.

Take a look at Pseudorandom Number Generator - Exponential Distribution

Your code would then look like this:

// Note L == 1 / lambda
public double poissonRandomInterarrivalDelay(double L) {
    return (Math.log(1.0-Math.random())/-L;


while (true){
    // Note -- lambda is 5 seconds, convert to milleseconds
    long interval= (long)poissonRandomInterarrivalDelay(5.0*1000.0);
    try {

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