Given a discrete distribution, how do I round a number to the closest value in that distribution?


What I ultimately want to do is round the expected value of a discrete random variable distribution to a valid number in the distribution. For example if I am drawing evenly from the numbers [1, 5, 6], the expected value is 4 but I want to return the closest number to that (ie, 5).

from scipy.stats import *
xk = (1, 5, 6)
pk = np.ones(len(xk))/len(xk)
custom = rv_discrete(name='custom', values=(xk, pk))
# 4.0

def round_discrete(discrete_rv_dist, val):
    # do something here
    return answer

print(round_discrete(custom, custom.expect()))
# 5.0

I don't know apriori what distribution will be used (ie might not be integers, might be an unbounded distribution), so I'm really struggling to think of an algorithm that is sufficiently generic. Edit: I just learned that rv_discrete doesn't work on non-integer xk values.

As to why I want to do this, I'm putting together a monte-carlo simulation, and want a "nominal" value for each distribution. I think that the EV is the most physically appropriate rather than the mode or median. I might have values in the downstream simulation that have to be one of several discrete choices, so passing a value that is not within that set is not acceptable.

If there's already a nice way to do this in Python that would be great, otherwise I can interpret math into code.


Figured it out, and tested it working. If I plug my value X into the cdf, then I can plug that probability P = cdf(X) into the ppf. The values at ppf(P +- epsilon) will give me the closest values in the set to X.

Or more geometrically, for a discrete pmf, the point (X,P) will lie on a horizontal portion of the corresponding cdf. When you invert the cdf, (P,X) is now on a vertical section of the ppf. Taking P +- eps will give you the 2 nearest flat portions of the ppf connected to that vertical jump, which correspond to the valid values X1, X2. You can then do a simple difference to figure out which is closer to your target value.

import numpy as np
eps = np.finfo(float).eps

ev = custom.expect()
p = custom.cdf(ev)
ev_candidates = custom.ppf([p - eps, p, p + eps])
ev_candidates_distance = abs(ev_candidates - ev)
ev_closest = ev_candidates[np.argmin(ev_candidates_distance)]
# 5.0

pmf - probability mass function
cdf - cumulative distribution function (cumulative sum of the pdf)
ppf - percentage point function (inverse of the cdf)
eps - epsilon (smallest possible increment)

Collected from the Internet

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