Unable to sort array of objects by version number in JavaScript


I have an array of objects in that I want to sort the array based on the xxx version number string. But it seems there is an issue in sorting the order as per my desire.

I have seen the existing solutions for example, the Existing Question Suggested by community. But it dealt with plain arrays instead of array of objects. I can tweak the answer as per needs. But the solutions seems to be pretty long. So I'm looking for a much simpler solutions.

Example Object:

my_list = [{"xxx": "9.6", "no_of_occurrence": 1 }, {"xxx": "9.2", "no_of_occurrence": 1},
{"xxx": "9.11", "no_of_occurrence": 1}, {"xxx": "9.10", "no_of_occurrence": 1}]

After sorting My desired output should be


[{"xxx": "9.11", "no_of_occurrence": 1 }, {"xxx": "9.10", "no_of_occurrence": 1},
{"xxx": "9.6", "no_of_occurrence": 1}, {"xxx": "9.2", "no_of_occurrence": 1}]


[{"xxx": "9.2", "no_of_occurrence": 1 }, {"xxx": "9.6", "no_of_occurrence": 1},
{"xxx": "9.10", "no_of_occurrence": 1}, {"xxx": "9.11", "no_of_occurrence": 1}]

To achieve this I'm facing some issues. The decimal places are not treated the way they should be.

What I've tried so far is:

Approach 1:

my_list.sort((a, b) => 
       if (a['xxx'] < b['xxx']) {
         return -1;
       if (a['xxx'] > b['xxx']) {
         return 1;
       return 0;

Approach 2:

my_list.sort((a, b) => {a['xxx'] - b['xxx']});

I did tried converting the string to float by using the "parseFloat(a['xxx'])" and "parseFloat(a['xxx']).toFixed(2)" as well. But nothing seems to be working.

The output generated by the above sort functions is:

 no_of_occurrence: 1,
 xxx: "9.6"
}, {
 no_of_occurrence: 1,
 xxx: "9.2"
}, {
 no_of_occurrence: 1,
 xxx: "9.11"
}, {
 no_of_occurrence: 1,
 xxx: "9.10"

However I tried, I'm not able to achieve what I desired. How can I treat the 9.10 is greater than 9.2? I know javascript treats 9.10 as 9.1 vise versa. But the data I received from the client and the client expectation is 9.10 is > 9.2.

Your help is appreciated.

Carsten Massmann

Or simply do this:

const my_list = [{"xxx": "9.6", "no_of_occurrence": 1 }, {"xxx": "9.2", "no_of_occurrence": 1},
{"xxx": "9.11", "no_of_occurrence": 1}, {"xxx": "9.10", "no_of_occurrence": 1}];

 return a[0]-b[0] || a[1]-b[1];}));

Collected from the Internet

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