My if-statement doesnt work. What did I do wrong?


Probably just some dumb minor mistake that I'm too stupid to see right now, but it really bothers me. I have this little game I'm working on in Unity and I wrote a method that is basically supposed to start the next level:

public void ButtonNextLevel()
    string currentScene = Convert.ToString(SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name);
    char[] currentSceneChars = new char[currentScene.Length];
    int stringLength = currentScene.Length;
    int levelIndex;

    using (StringReader sr = new StringReader(currentScene))
        sr.Read(currentSceneChars, 0, currentScene.Length - 2);
    string levelIdentifier = new string(currentSceneChars);

    if(levelIdentifier == "Level")
        levelIndex = currentScene[stringLength - 1];
        string nextSceneName = "Level " + (levelIndex + 1).ToString();
        else {GameWon();}
public void GameWon()

The main Problem seems to be the if(levelIdentifier == "Level") statement. If I get to the point where this script is executed, I do get a response from Debug.Log(levelIdentifier); (which clearly states "Level"), but not from Debug.Log(levelIndex);: Debug Log I don't understand why the if-statement isn't executed even though the requirements are met.

Guru Stron

I do get a response from Debug.Log(levelIdentifier); (which clearly states "Level")

Are you sure that there is no whitespace characters in the debug output (like space or something)? Try adding Debug.Log(levelIdentifier.Length); also.

As for if statement it seems like a very convoluted way to check if string starts with some prefix. Since is already a string try using stringStartsWith (another potentially useful one is string.Contains):

var sceneName = SceneManager.GetActiveScene().name;

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