What did I do wrong in OOP in C++


I code my programe for showing student profile

#include <iostream>
#include <fstream>
using namespace std;

int main()
    int array_size = 500;
    char * array = new char[array_size];
    int position = 0;

    ifstream fin("data.txt");

        while(!fin.eof() && position < array_size)
        array[position-1] = '\0';

        for(int i = 0; array[i] != '\0'; i++)
            cout << array[i];
        cout << "File could not be opened." << endl;
    return 0;

and here is data.txt

Name : Napat Naraprapang
ID : 45608

Subject                             Credit      Grade

Thai                                 1.0          4 
Mathematics                          1.0          4
Social Studies                       1.0          4
Health and Physical Education        0.5          4
Thai Dance                           0.5          3
Vocational Education and Tecnology   0.5          4
English                              1.0          4
Advance Mathematics                  2.0          4
Physics                              1.5          3.5       
Chemistry                            1.5          3
Biology                              1.5          4
Handball                             0.5          4
Computer Project                     1.0          4
English Reading Analysis             1.0          4
English for Information              0.5          4

I want to calculate gpa and show it below, should I do? Actually, first time I created function to calculate gpa before

for(int i = 0; array[i] != '\0'; i++)
                cout << array[i];

And when I complied it, everything was lose, I dont know what did I do wrong? and what should I do? Thank you for your all replies!

  1. Firstly, /n is not a single character. \n is the newline character which you require.
  2. getline(myfile.line) is an invalid statement, as myfile, a , an object of ifstream, has no member line.

    Change it to:


Collected from the Internet

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