Laravel API Connecting to Client Database


I'm building 2 websites, one of them will be hosted on the server and the other one on localhost, both have their own database. The one on the server has API routes getting data from client and insert it to database. The function i'm trying to implement is that the one on localhost will be retrieving data from its own database, then call the API route of the other one on the server then inserting it to the server's database.

expected result : Data from localhost database inserted into the server's database via API.

actual result : The server is inserting the data back into the localhost database.

question : Is there a way to force the server to insert the data to it's own database?

codes : Localhost function

public function Sync (){
    $payload = t_worksheet::all()->toArray();
    $client = new Client();
    $res = $client->request('POST', 'http://localhost/cal-work/public/api/sync', ['form_params' => 
    ['payload' => $payload]]);

Server function

public function sync (Request $request) {
    $payload = $request->payload;
    foreach ($payload as $item) {
        $target = new t_worksheet_server;
        $target->name = $item['name'];
        $target->details = $item['details'];
        $target->approved_by = $item['approved_by'];

    return response()->json('success', 200);

Server API routes

Route::middleware('auth:api')->get('/user', function (Request $request) {
    return $request->user();

Route::post('/sync', 'SyncController@sync');

Local .env


Server .env


Thanks in advance


It worked, i served the server project with php artisan serve --port=8080 and changed the guzzle client to localhost:8080, it worked fine

Collected from the Internet

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