Connecting the neo4j web client to a local database

Ion Freeman

I've created a boatload of nodes in my neo4j database and I've been happily querying them. Everything's working great, but I don't see how to get the web interfaced attached to my local database – terminology doesn't seem to be super consistent in the neo4j documentation, so I'm using it in the context of:

~$ /opt/neo4j/bin/neo4j-shell -? | grep -e '^ \-path'
-path      Points to a neo4j db path so that a local server can be started there

The web server just seems interested in the database in data/graph.db. I feel like :server connect should have some option to connect to a different local database, but it's not evident.


On Linux/MacOS, edit from the conf directory of your Neo4j installation and change the value of org.neo4j.server.database.location to point to your local database.

The neo4j-shell you refer to above does not affect the web browser, and you can use it to connect to an existing running database, or to another remote database or start a local database if not already running and connect to it, see

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