Convert a list to data.frame with multiple columns in R


I have a list that looks like this

1 2
10 20 30 

and I would like to convert it to a dataframe that looks like this

column1 column2 column3
   1       2      NA
   10      20     30
   4       NA      NA

Any help is highly appreciated


An option is to get the lengths of the list elements, get the max length, pad NA at the end where the length is less than the max length and dbind the list elements

mx <- max(lengths(lst1))
out <-, lapply(lst1, `length<-`, mx))
names(out) <- paste0('column', 1:3)
#  column1 column2 column3
#1       1       2      NA
#2      10      20      30
#3       4      NA      NA


lst1 <- list(1:2, c(10, 20, 30), 4)

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