Convert list of multiple strings into a Python data frame

Nirali Khoda

I have a list of string values I read this from a text document with splitlines. which yields something like this

       X = ["NAME|Contact|Education","SMITH|12345|Graduate","NITA|11111|Diploma"]

I have tried this

for i in X:
    textnew = i.split("|")
    data[x] = textnew

I want to make a dataframe out of this

    Name     Contact      Education
    SMITH     12345        Graduate
    NITA      11111        Diploma
Darren Christopher

You can read it directly from your file by specifying a sep argument to pd.read_csv.

df = pd.read_csv("/path/to/file", sep='|')

Or if you wish to convert it from list of string instead:

data = [row.split('|') for row in X]
headers = data.pop(0) # Pop the first element since it's header
df = pd.DataFrame(data, columns=headers)

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