R data frame: Change value in 1 column depending on value in another


I have a data frame called nurse. At the moment it contains several columns but only one (nurse$word) is relevant at the moment. I want to create a new column named nurse$w.frequency which looks at the words in the nurse$word column and if it finds the one specified, I want it to change the corresponding nurse$w.frequency value to a specified integer.

nurse <- read.csv(...)

file   word         w.frequency
1      determining
2      journey
3      journey
4      serving
5      work
6      journey
...    ...

The word frequency for determining and journey, for instance, is 1590 and 4650 respectively. So it should look like the following:

file   word         w.frequency
1      determining  1590
2      journey      4650
3      journey      4650
4      serving
5      work
6      journey      4650
...    ...

I have tried it with the an ifelse statement (below) which seems to work, however, every time I try to change the actual word and frequency it overwrites the results from before.

nurse$w.frequency <- ifelse(nurse$word == "determining", nurse$w.frequency[nurse$word["determining"]] <- 1590, "")
Daniel O

You could first initialise an empty column

nurse$w.frequency <- NA

then populated it with the data you want

nurse$w.frequency[nurse$word == "determining"] <- 1590
nurse$w.frequency[nurse$word == "journey"] <- 4650

Collected from the Internet

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