how to change the column value based on other column value in data frame?


I am trying to change one column value based on other columns value. Can you please help me how to do this?


priority     comb_fld_order       start_bracs     end_bracs
1                                   (
2.3           1                     (
2.3.1         1                                      )
3.7                                                  )

Expected Output:

priority     comb_fld_order       start_bracs     end_bracs
2.3           1                     (
2.3.1         1                                      )

Means if comb_fld_order is null then we should to remove brackets from start_bracs and end_bracs column.

Shubham Sharma

You can create a boolean mask using Series.eq, then use Series.where to replace the values based on condition:

m = df['comb_fld_order'].eq('')
df['start_bracs'] = df['start_bracs'].where(~m, '')
df['end_bracs'] = df['end_bracs'].where(~m, '')


# print(df)

  priority comb_fld_order start_bracs end_bracs
0        1                                     
1      1.1                                     
2      2.3              1           (          
3    2.3.1              1                     )
4      3.7                                     

Collected from the Internet

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