Why i am getting a not found error when i try to create a new file with octokitnet?

David Pinedo Solano

i am trying to do an application that upload a json file to my github this file is going to be used to know what have done the user in the application.

But i am stuck with the creation of the file, i have this function

public async void CrearCredenciales(string nombre, string clave)
            cliente = new GitHubClient(new ProductHeaderValue(System.Diagnostics.Process.GetCurrentProcess().ProcessName));
            credenciales = new Credentials("token");
            var user = await this.cliente.User.Get("davidgmd");          
            var repositorio = cliente.Repository.Get("davidgmd", "Proyecto-de-fin-de-grado");

            // create file
            var createChangeSet = await cliente.Repository.Content.CreateFile(
                                            nombre + ".json",
                                            new CreateFileRequest("File creation",
                                                                  "Hello World!",

            var request = new SearchCodeRequest("Clave")
                FileName = nombre + ".json"
            var result = await this.cliente.Search.SearchCode(request);
            var cadena = user.Bio.ToString();

when the application try to execute "createChangeSet" i get an exception "Octokit.NotFoundException: 'Not Found'"

when i press to get more details, says "Api:Error Message not found".

I have revised the token, the user is correct, the name of the repo is right too, the settings for the token are: enter image description here

And for user all marked user Update all user data read:user Read all user profile data user:email Access user email addresses (read-only) user:follow Follow and unfollow users

David Pinedo Solano

Finally i get what was wrong, i was creating a credential, but that credential hadn't been asigned to the client.

So for the application that client was anonymous and ofc couldn't create a file.

now i am going to try to put as message the json itself, but i suppose this question is finish.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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