Why am I getting an error when I try to get a string from my table in a Jframe?


I am fairly new to programming; my program is a television show scheduler and I'm trying to grab a variable from the timetable(schedule) I have created. The error is happening on the 6th line.

if (dayOfTheWeek=="Saturday"){
    int saturdayCOUNT=0;
    String[] SATURDAYSHOW = new String[9];

    while (saturdayCOUNT<10){
         SATURDAYSHOW[saturdayCOUNT] = (String) timetable.getValueAt(saturdayCOUNT, 5);
         saturdayCOUNT = saturdayCOUNT+1;


The error is

Exception in thread "AWT-EventQueue-0" java.lang.ArrayIndexOutOfBoundsException: 9
at my.UI.SchedulerUI.jButton1ActionPerformed(SchedulerUI.java:1412)


Change String[] SATURDAYSHOW = new String[9]; to String[] SATURDAYSHOW = new String[10];

Your array index is out of bounds, meaning that you are attempting to add more values than the array can physically hold.

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