TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object when running a sorting function


I'm trying to create a simple sorting function for 3 inputs, and I've managed to do so when all inputs are unique.

However, I'm encountering issues when 2 of the 3 inputs are the same, more specifically, when the 2nd and 3rd input are the same. I get the following issue: TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

What does this mean and how can it be fixed?

def simple_sort_version2(a,b,c):
    if a > b and a > c:
        if b > c:
            return c,b,a
        elif c > b:
            return b,c,a
    elif b > a and b > c:
        if a > c:
            return c,a,b
        elif c > a:
            return a,c,b
    elif c > a and c > b:
        if a > b:
            return b,a,c
        elif b > a:
            return a,b,c
    elif a == b:
        if a > c:
            return c,a,b
        elif c > a:
            return a,b,c
    elif a == c:
        if a > b:
            return b,a,c
        elif b > a:
            return a,c,b
    elif b == c:
        if b > a:
            return a,b,c
        elif a > b:
            return b,c,a

a,b,c = simple_sort_version2(10,20,30)
print (a,b,c) # 10 20 30

a,b,c = simple_sort_version2(10,30,20)
print (a,b,c) # 10 20 30

a,b,c = simple_sort_version2(30,20,10)
print (a,b,c) # 10 20 30

a,b,c = simple_sort_version2(30,20,20)
print (a,b,c) # 20 20 30
Aven Desta

since a>b and a>c your code enters the first if-statement Then it returns None because there is no b==c case.

Note that:

If there is no return statement python returns None by default

The code can not go to the last elif-statement because it already entered the first if-statement

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