Error occurs running code in terminal "TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object"

Vyom Bhardwaj
def ran_keys(issue1,issue2=None):
    ran_number = random.sample(data.keys(), 1)
    for i in ran_number:
        val1 = data.get(i)
    n3, s3, t3, r3 = val1
    if issue1 == r3:
        return val1
        if Counter == 1:
        elif Counter == 2:

def random_mode():
    if Counter == 1:
        vall = ran_keys(first_issue,second_issue)
        name3, s3, t3, r3 = vall
        if r3 == first_issue or second_issue:
            print('Random selected agent available for your issue = \n')
            print('{:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}'.format('Name', 'Availability', 'Available Since', 'Role'))
            print('{:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}'.format(name3, s3, t3, r3))
            print('No agent found for your issue..........\nTry Again..................')
    elif Counter == 2:
        vall = ran_keys(first_issue)
        name3, s3, t3, r3 = vall
        if r3 == first_issue:
            print('Random selected agent available for your issue = \n')
            print('{:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}'.format('Name', 'Availability', 'Available Since', 'Role'))
            print('{:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}  {:<15}'.format(name3, s3, t3, r3))
            print('No agent found for your issue..........\nTry Again..................')

This code gives me an error when I run it on terminal. The error is :

  File "C:/Users/Acer/Desktop/python_class/project/", line 295, in modes
  File "C:/Users/Acer/Desktop/python_class/project/", line 264, in random_mode
    name3, s3, t3, r3 = vall
TypeError: cannot unpack non-iterable NoneType object

but when I run it on Python console, it works perfectly fine

Note: The code given above is a part of code so some variables wouldn't be present here.


function ran_keys returns val1 if issue1 == r3, but there is no return statement in your else condition, try:

def ran_keys(issue1,issue2=None):
    ran_number = random.sample(data.keys(), 1)
    for i in ran_number:
        val1 = data.get(i)
    n3, s3, t3, r3 = val1
    if issue1 == r3:
        return val1
        if Counter == 1:
            return ran_keys(first_issue,second_issue)
        elif Counter == 2:
            return ran_keys(first_issue)

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