Ansible filter a list of dictionaries to only contain unique values in one field


I have a list of dictionaries in an ansible variable. Some dictionaries have the same value in the field 'id and the field 'name' while they differ in other key value pairs (that are not important for me). I want to filter out all those dictionaries that are "duplicates" regarding the 'name' and 'id' fields.


        "name": "abc",
          "id": "123456",
   "other_key": "unimportant value"
        "name": "abc",
          "id": "123456",
   "other_key": "another unimportant value"
        "name": "bcd",
          "id": "789012",
   "other_key": "unimportant value"

Desired result:

        "name": "abc",
          "id": "123456"
        "name": "bcd",
          "id": "789012"

How can I achieve this in Ansible? (the 'other_key' variable does not necessarily have to be discarded it could also be e.g. just the first occurrence, it just does not matter).

I already produced a list of unique ids with:

{{ mydictionaries | map(attribute='id') | unique | list }}

But how do I filter the list of dictionaries with this?


You can filter only the desired keys from your map list with json_query and then apply the unique filter.

{{ mydictionnaries | json_query('[].{"name": name, "id": id}') | unique }}

Below a proof of concept playbook. Please note in the above doc that json_query requires pip install jmespath on the ansible controller.

- name: Unique filtered dictionaries list example
  hosts: localhost
  gather_facts: false

    mydictionaries: [{"name": "abc","id": "123456","other_key": "unimportant value"},{"name": "abc","id": "123456","other_key": "another unimportant value"},{"name": "bcd","id": "789012","other_key": "unimportant value"}]

    - name: Filter out list as wanted
        msg: >-
            | json_query('[].{"name": name, "id": id}')
            | unique

which gives

PLAY [Unique filtered dictionaries list example] *************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************

TASK [Filter out list as wanted] ****************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
ok: [localhost] => {
    "msg": [
            "id": "123456",
            "name": "abc"
            "id": "789012",
            "name": "bcd"

PLAY RECAP **************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************************
localhost                  : ok=1    changed=0    unreachable=0    failed=0    skipped=0    rescued=0    ignored=0   

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