Swap values in dictionary which contain list of dictionaries?


I have dictionary which contain list of dictionaries as below.

I want to swap all values of list of dictionary based on name.

Example: swap_function('Arvind','Jayesh') should swap other values like surname, fullname & email.

I have already tried a lot from other website's references but not able achieve my goal.

data = {
         "fullname":"Arvind Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"        
         "fullname":"Jayesh Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"
         "fullname":"Krishna dave",
         "email":"[email protected]"
         "fullname":"Aditya Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"


I have tried like below but after that I am out of ideas.

def name_swap(name1, name2):

   for key, item in data.items():
      first_dict = item[0]
      second_dict = item[1]
      third_dict = item[2]
      forth_dict = item[3]
      fifth_dict = item[4]
after name_swap('Arvind', 'Krishna')

output : 
data = {
         "fullname":"Krishna dave",
         "email":"[email protected]"        
         "fullname":"Jayesh Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"
         "fullname":"Arvind Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"
         "fullname":"Aditya Patel",
         "email":"[email protected]"


Try this code:

i = next(i for i,item in enumerate(data['items']) if item['name'] == 'Arvind')
j = next(i for i,item in enumerate(data['items']) if item['name'] == 'Krishna')
data['items'][i]['name'], data['items'][j]['name'] = 'Krishna', 'Arvind'

And gives:

{'items': [{'name': 'Arvind',
   'surname': 'dave',
   'fullname': 'Krishna dave',
   'email': '[email protected]'},
  {'name': 'Jayesh',
   'surname': 'Patel',
   'fullname': 'Jayesh Patel',
   'email': '[email protected]'},
  {'name': 'Krishna',
   'surname': 'Patel',
   'fullname': 'Arvind Patel',
   'email': '[email protected]'},
  {'name': 'Aditya',
   'surname': 'Patel',
   'fullname': 'Aditya Patel',
   'email': '[email protected]'}]}

Ok now let's generalize this example, with the following function:

def swap_dict_list(dict_list, val1, val2, target='name', block_target=True):   
        i = next(i for i,item in enumerate(dict_list) if item[target] == val1)
        j = next(i for i,item in enumerate(dict_list) if item[target] == val2)
    except StopIteration:
        return dict_list
    dict_list[i], dict_list[j] = dict_list[j], dict_list[i]
    if block_target:
        dict_list[i][target], dict_list[j][target] = val1, val2
    return dict_list

In your case, you will use the function in this:

data['items'] = swap_dict_list(data['items'], 'Arvind', 'Krishna', target='name', block_target=True)

And you will get the same result shown above.

Code explenation

The swap_dict_list function receives as input the list of dictionaries 'dict_list', the 2 values ​​to search ('val1' and 'val2') and the dictionary key on which to perform the target search.

The function finds the indexes corresponding to the two values ​​searched for, and if they both exist it performs the swap. If block_target is True, the target values ​​are not exchanged.

The search is effected efficiently using generator expression.

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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