How to request or get the permission of google spread sheet access in the apps script of other sheet?


I am writing apps script of A spread sheet for my custom functions and trying to get values in B spread sheet from there using openUrl()

However, I got ERROR in A spreadsheet when I use the custom function..

in Google Document, it says

If your custom function throws the error message You do not have permission to call X service., the service requires user authorization and thus cannot be used in a custom function.


However, it doesn't say anything how to get the permission..

  1. I tried with sharable link to everyone but it didn't work.
  2. I tried with url&scope=

Both way didn't work. How can I solve this problem?

enter image description here

Sourabh Choraria

Unfortunately, what you're asking for cannot be done directly. In the same documentation, please scroll all the way down to sharing; that's -

Custom Functions in Google Sheets > Advanced > Sharing.

Here, you'll see the following -

Custom functions start out bound to the spreadsheet they were created in. This means that a custom function written in one spreadsheet can't be used in other spreadsheets unless...

If it suits you, you can make use of the 3 methods that they've listed there to overcome this problem.

Hope this helps!

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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