How to get information on hidden rows from Google Sheet API without Google Apps Script


I am using the Google Sheets API V4 to retrieve its data in JSON like below. That includes all rows, even the ones currently not shown in the Spreadsheet UI because of a filtering in one of the columns.

Is there a way to get only the shown rows or information whether a row is hidden or not?

The Google Apps Script allows such data retrieval using i.e. the .hiddenByFilter Method (see ). However, I am not able to include that in my API Query whatsoever.

$.getJSON("" + SpreadsheetID + "/values/Color1!A2:Q?key=<MY_API_KEY>", function(data) {

// data.values contains the array of rows from the spreadsheet. Each row is also an array of cell values.
    $(data.values).each(function() {
      var location = {};
      location.title = this[2];
      location.latitude = parseFloat(this[10]);
      location.longitude = parseFloat(this[9]);
      location.institution = this[3];
      //location.hidden = <?>;

Is there any workaround?


You can use Spreadsheets.get endpoint. Then filter sheets/data/rowData/values using sheets/data/rowMetadata/hiddenByUser field client side.

Collected from the Internet

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