python bs4 extract from attribute inside button class

Zero Sense

So im trying to get the value of a attribute using BeautifulSoup4.

replay_url_data = matchdatatr[1].findAll("button",{"class":"replay_button_super"})

This is how i get all my data into the object. Typing the replay_url_data into the console returns :

<button class="replay_button_super" data-client-version="" data-rel="spectatePopup" data-spectate-encryptionkey="bPPxpLIDmi0hRfU2U8B9Li1VJfTTx6pZ" data-spectate-endpoint="" data-spectate-gameid="4339075348" data-spectate-link="/api/spectate/UEJPNkN4MkIwUkZERUJ0MWUyZ3dDTmxGT25kanlUN2V6YnpuZUQ0bVlyMWRReGNDRXprZ1lQVnRnSkNHMG04Y2hUdVhxQm9abHFsQ2VBaTRaYVFPdnc9PQ==" data-spectate-platform="Modigu1" data-width="640"><i class="fa fa-play"></i>Replay</button>

What i want is to get the value of data-spectate-link.

I have tried every google result i found about similar topics but nothing worked.

replay_url_split = replay_url_data[0].findAll("button",{"class":"data-spectate-link"})

This returns "[]" empty.


This returns same result empty

replay_url_data[0].find('button',attrs={'class' : 'data-spectate-link'})

And this one returns the same as above "[]" empty.

After 3 hours of searching on google so far nothing has helped me and im getting desperate.Im still new to python and html so excuse my stupidity.


To get attribute you use .attrs["data-spectate-link"] or directly ["data-spectate-link"]


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS

text = '<button class="replay_button_super" data-client-version="" data-rel="spectatePopup" data-spectate-encryptionkey="bPPxpLIDmi0hRfU2U8B9Li1VJfTTx6pZ" data-spectate-endpoint="" data-spectate-gameid="4339075348" data-spectate-link="/api/spectate/UEJPNkN4MkIwUkZERUJ0MWUyZ3dDTmxGT25kanlUN2V6YnpuZUQ0bVlyMWRReGNDRXprZ1lQVnRnSkNHMG04Y2hUdVhxQm9abHFsQ2VBaTRaYVFPdnc9PQ==" data-spectate-platform="Modigu1" data-width="640"><i class="fa fa-play"></i>Replay</button>'
soup = BS(text, 'html.parser')

all_buttons = soup.findAll("button", {"class": "replay_button_super"})
one_button = all_buttons[0]

value = one_button["data-spectate-link"]

value = one_button.attrs["data-spectate-link"]

BTW: If you want to search buttons with attribute data-spectate-link then you have to search

{"data-spectate-link": True}

not {"class": "data-spectate-link"}


from bs4 import BeautifulSoup as BS

text = '''<button>Other button</button>
<button>Other button</button>
<button>Other button</button>
<button class="replay_button_super" data-client-version="" data-rel="spectatePopup" data-spectate-encryptionkey="bPPxpLIDmi0hRfU2U8B9Li1VJfTTx6pZ" data-spectate-endpoint="" data-spectate-gameid="4339075348" data-spectate-link="/api/spectate/UEJPNkN4MkIwUkZERUJ0MWUyZ3dDTmxGT25kanlUN2V6YnpuZUQ0bVlyMWRReGNDRXprZ1lQVnRnSkNHMG04Y2hUdVhxQm9abHFsQ2VBaTRaYVFPdnc9PQ==" data-spectate-platform="Modigu1" data-width="640"><i class="fa fa-play"></i>Replay</button>
<button>Other button</button>
<button>Other button</button>'''

soup = BS(text, 'html.parser')

all_buttons = soup.findAll("button", {"data-spectate-link": True})
one_button = all_buttons[0]

value = one_button["data-spectate-link"]

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