Where to put @OpenAPIDefinition?


The documentation for defining general API information using the quarkus-smallrye-openapi extension is extremely sparse, and does not explain how to use all the annotations for setting up the openApi generation.

For some background, I am using a clean and largely empty project (quarkus version1.0.1.FINAL) generated from code.quarkus.io, with a single class defined as followed (With the attempted @OpenAPIDefinition annotation):

    info = @Info(
        title = "Custom API title",
        version = "3.14"
public class ExampleResource {

    public String hello() {
        return "hello";

I have eventually found that general api information (contact info, version, etc) through much digging is defined using the @OpenAPIDefinition annotation, but when used on my existing endpoint definition, no changes are made to the generated openapi specification. What am I doing wrong?


Try putting the annotation on the JAX-RS Application class. I realize you don't need one of those in a Quarkus application, but I think it doesn't hurt either. For reference in the specification TCK:


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