Where to put dependencies for scala


I'm getting this compile error:

owner@PC ~/scala/fxml: scalac x.scala
x.scala:1: error: object asynchttpclient is not a member of package org
import org.asynchttpclient.*;
one error found

I figured I needed to download the .java files for org.asynchttpclient.* so I copied those to c:\classes and set CLASS_PATH to c:\classes but that didn't work.

Note: I know about sbt and maven but I just want to get scalac working.

Ramesh Maharjan

The error is with the dependency for x.scala. You need to download the asynchttpclient jar if you don't have it. Then apply the following command to include it in compilation.

scalac -classpath "asynchttpclient.jar:other dependent jars" x.scala

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