How to work with more than one version of the same application at the same time in git?

Davi Bogo

I have an application that is going to be used for a lot of clients, currently we have two versions of it, one is the core version, the other will be used by one of my client. For now we have two branches (master, client_1) and they're similar, but different.

My problem is that if I correct something just for client_1, it's easy, I just have to commit in that branch. But if I correct something for both, I don't now how to "merge" it, because if I merge my git tries to merge everything, not just my correction.

Now, imagine that my application expands to 15 clients, each one has something different, small changes, but it's different. How do I control this kind of problems?


I think what you are looking for is "cherry-pick". That small change, you commit it on the main branch... then on the client branch, you cherry-pick the revision.

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