Can I use OpenGL in more than one language at the same time?

E. Williams

I have an OpenGL program in C#, but I also want to execute OpenGL functions from a C++ DLL. Will the changes made by my C++ library take effect on the C# program?

Edit: To be more clear, I want to share the same context of OpenGL for two languages.

I am PInvoking functions of C++ that uses OpenGL from my C# code.


Current OpenGL context is a thread-local global state.

What this means is that as long as the C++ and C# code are executing in the same thread, then OpenGL commands issued in either will be compatible.

However, if you are dealing with multiple/different threads, you will need to activate the OpenGL context in C++ (assuming it was created in C#), using wglMakeCurrent(). In order to do this, you'll have to propagate the proper handles somehow.

Collected from the Internet

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