Why is not null statement not working in my sql query?


I am trying to retrieve the data from database table where column approved_date is not null. For database access, I am using MySQL object-oriented prepared statement. The query which I have written already is giving empty results while the same query is getting the correct result when I tried in PhpMyAdmin.

I tried to run the same query which I wrote for the prepared statement as raw query in PhpMyAdmin. There it worked perfectly but comes to the code, it is not working.

Below is the code I used for the Prepared statement.

public function get_approved_problems()
    $data = array();
    $db = DB::open();
    $day = date('d');
    $month = date('m');
    $sql = "SELECT id, user, title, description, address, publish, created_at 
            FROM problems 
            WHERE approved_date IS NOT NULL AND publish=1 
            ORDER BY id DESC";
    $query = $db->stmt_init();
    if($query = $db->prepare($sql))
        // $query->bind_param('ii', $month, $day);
        $query->bind_result($id, $user, $title, $description, $address, $publish, $created);
        $numrows = $query->num_rows;
        if($numrows > 0)
                $data[] = array(
                    "id" => $id,
                    "user" => $user,
                    "title" => $title,
                    "description" => $description,
                    "address" => $address,
                    "publish" => $publish,
                    "created_at" => $created
    return $data;

The above code is returning the empty result. While the below RAW query is working fine on PhpMyAdmin.

SELECT id, user, title, description, address, publish, created_at FROM problems WHERE approved_date IS NOT NULL AND publish=1 ORDER BY id DESC

The code doesn't show any error messages even its not working as I expected.

Raheel Khan

Try this:

SELECT id, user, title, description, address, publish, created_at 
            FROM problems 
            WHERE publish=1 AND approved_date IS NOT NULL 
            ORDER BY id DESC

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