Null values in My SQL query

Ruban J

My Query is

SELECT i.status,i.amount_total,,sc.category as category,us.fname as name, as company,
(SELECT transaction_id FROM invoice_payments WHERE invoice_payments.invoice_id = as transaction_id ,
(SELECT created  FROM invoice_payments WHERE invoice_payments.invoice_id = and invoice_payments.created BETWEEN '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-01') as created 
FROM invoices i
inner JOIN 
users as us ON = i.client_id 
inner JOIN subscriptioncategory as sc ON sc.user_id =

and my result is

enter image description here

in the Created column, i should not get the null values. are there any simple query to fix it.


Simply join all tables with inner join:

SELECT i.status,i.amount_total,,sc.category as category,us.fname as name, as company,
FROM invoices i
inner JOIN 
users as us ON = i.client_id 
inner JOIN subscriptioncategory as sc ON sc.user_id =
join invoice_payments ip on ip.invoice_id = 
join invoice_payments ip1 WHERE ip1.invoice_id = and ip1.created BETWEEN '2015-01-01' and '2016-01-01'

Collected from the Internet

Please contact [email protected] to delete if infringement.

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