How to verify if a certain value is present in a custom attribute using javascript or jquery?

Arcanadian Arc

Lets say we have a custom attribute named data-content. Now lets look for the html markup :

 <h1 data-content="one two three four">Hello</h1>

I want a Javascript / jQuery function that can do something like this :

 verify.contains("h1", "two"); // => true
 verify.contains("h1", "five"); // => false


 $("h1").verifyContains("two"); // => true
 $("h1").verifyContains("five"); // => false

So, how to do it ?


Using Attribute Contains Word Selector

var verify = {
  contains: function(selector, content) {
    return Boolean($(selector + '[data-content~=' + content + ']').length)

console.log(verify.contains("h1", "two"))
console.log(verify.contains("h1", "five"))
<script src=""></script>

<h1 data-content="one two three four">Hello</h1>

Jquery plugin function

$.fn.verifyContains = function(content) {
  return $(this).is('[data-content~=' + content + ']')

<script src=""></script>

<h1 data-content="one two three four">Hello</h1>

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