Get custom attribute value from multiple select option using Jquery


I want to get custom attribute value from multiple select, here is my html,code

<select multiple name="tax[]" id="tax_classes" onChange="getSelectedOptions(this)">  
   <option value="2" data-percentage="9.00">CGST(9.00%)</option>  
   <option value="1" data-percentage="18.00">GST(18.00%)</option> 
   <option value="3" data-percentage="9.00">IGST(9.00%)</option> 
   <option value="4" data-percentage="12.00">Tax(12.00%)</option> 

From above tag, I wanted to get the data-percentage attribute value.

Here is the script what i tried so far

function getSelectedOptions(tax) 
  var options = [], option;
  var len = tax.options.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    option = tax.options[i]; 
    if (option.selected) { 

I am getting output as 2,1,3,

But my expected output is 9.00, 18.00, 9.00 .

Constantin Groß

You say that you want to get the attribute value, but you are logging .value instead, which refers to the value attribute. You need to use getAttribute('data-percentage') instead.

function getSelectedOptions() {
  var options = [],
  var tax = document.getElementById('tax_classes');
  var len = tax.options.length;
  for (var i = 0; i < len; i++) {
    option = tax.options[i];
    if (option.selected) {
window.addEventListener('DOMContentLoaded', getSelectedOptions);
<select multiple name="tax[]" id="tax_classes" onChange="getSelectedOptions()">
  <option value="2" data-percentage="9.00">CGST(9.00%)</option>
  <option value="1" data-percentage="18.00" selected>GST(18.00%)</option>
  <option value="3" data-percentage="9.00">IGST(9.00%)</option>
  <option value="4" data-percentage="12.00" selected>Tax(12.00%)</option>

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